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Tokyo marui hk416 delta custom

Tokyo marui hk416 delta custom


  • Price £650
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I am selling my beloved delta custom.

The time has come to say goodbye as it is never used anymore as I've turned to the dark side of gas...

The rif has had everything internally changed to prometheus with the exception of gears as this was to be the next thing I paid for but didnt get round to doing... it has an enhanced spring and enhanced recoil spring too.

So to quickly go over the pictures,
- the picture of the gearbox was pre btc spectre installation
- the first picture is exactly how it looks at the moment bar the muzzle as this has gone back to the stock muzzle/flash hider. 
- The prometheus trigger was removed as I did not have a rounded trigger guard so the trigger could not be used, it now has a magpul rounded trigger guard and could be installed as the prometheus trigger will be included in the sale along with the stock flat trigger guard.

The rif has a BTC spectre mk2 inside so you can easily alter your settings on the go using any smart phone or similar device with bluetooth.

In this package i will include 6 tokyo marui recoil magazines, all of the original parts to go with it other than the stock as this was damaged. And will all be sent in the original tokyo marui hk416 delta custom box.
It will also come with the genuine BCM gunfighter foregrip 

The last time this was chrono'd it came in with a deviation of 327 - 329 fps for 7 shots 


shooting .3s accurately for 65/70m

Any other questions dont hesitate to ask.


I can post everything for an additional £15 - parcelforce service


  • Make
    Tokyo Marui
  • Model
    Hk416 Delta custom
  • FPS
  • Accessories

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