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TM M29


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I've recently moved away from collecting airsoft so I'm selling up most of my stuff, here we have a TM M29, the Dirty Harry special. bought this recently and have taken it out of the box a couple of times to oggle at it and quote Dirty Harry etc. Other than that it's untouched. The gun itself is boneyard, the cylinder still locks in but  each chamber is missing its spring which would hold the bb's in. I only have 4 of the springs, so if you wanted to complete the set, you would need to source two of them. the side plate on the right side of the gun has come away a tiny bit as well and I'm not sure what retains it as it doesn't seem to be missing any screws.


I do have the original box and the red velvet lining for it still so that's a bonus.


The tank still holds gas and the gun is still in good condition externally.


£40 postage included, will send via PF48.




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