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Varity of rifs

Varity of rifs


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CYMA platinum SR25  

Scope + red dot 


3x hi cap mags 

Awesome gun kinda don’t wanna sell but funding something cooler shoots at AEG limits as I always found myself getting wishing the 20m min engagement and this also has and amazing trigger response 



Cybergun p90

2 mags 100 + round mids 

2 cybergun 68 mags 

2 pouches 

Built in red dot 

Never got around to using this in game 



Kwc C96 CO2 

2 mags 

1 leaky and bolt holding bulb in is rounded off other mag is fine 

Never used in game 



Old TM mp5k SOLD

1 mid cap 

High ROF 

Thread adapter 

Low fps around 200 on .25 if I remember rightly range Isn’t Stella but it’s super light I used as a sniper side arm or for super light weight and quick set ups 



Stoner 64 believe it’s a ares one but could be CA

2 box mags one with wire extension so you can have gun battery in it if you wish both have fake rounds too 

Bipod (believe it’s a Harris style bipod )

Never actually used this in a game purely as I have other MGs I prefer only shot at range to check working range was good can’t remember fps but believe was good 




Cyma AK (stocked one)SOLD

Real wood and metal 

Very well done wood 

A while since used but I think range was pretty good but not great FPS around 200-230 on .25 if I remember rightly 

Can provide 1 hi cap 

£130 SOLD


TM AK (no stock) 

This come with CAW (craft apple works) furniture (pistol grip and fore grip front end ) this kits new is around 100 on its own not splitting that currently 

Will also come with standard front end also wood 

Good range and FPS 

Has different flash hider on 

only used this once as was my backup gun 

Can provide 1 hi cap 

Can’t find a price point for this so gonna ask 



Prices are based off 75% rule using patrol base prices where possible 


Postage for mp5k,c96 £5.50

Postage for any others £8.50

Occasionally play at Anzio 

And often at 6mil 

And located within Coalville Leicestershire area 


  • Make
    Cyma cybergun ares Kwc tm
  • Model
    Ak stoner c96 mp5 p90 sr25
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Check description

Leicester - United Kingdom

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