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King Arms skeleton m4 cqb build

King Arms skeleton m4 cqb build


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King Arms base.

All the internals in the gear box have been upgraded so it s more of a faster build. 

Parts: Garte titan expert, all compression parts are by rocket, gears have been changed to a faster ratio just can't remember what, maxc trigger, prometheus blue nub and hop rubber, prometheues inner barrel, m110 or 120 spring and a nuprol high speed green motor.


The only issue is that I think in full auto it can sometimes have feeding issues. However in semi I haven't found any issues unless I over fill a magazine. Besides that it works great! Comes with all the attachments. Also has a quick change spring system. Comes with 3 mags.


Open to offers, looking for a quick sale.


£200plus £10 shipping 



  • Make
    King Arms
  • Model
    King Arms skeleton m4
  • FPS

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