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Well MP5K (G55)

Well MP5K (G55)


  • Price £100 Shipment cost 10 GBP
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This is basically an antique at this point,

The gun has never been fired or skirmished and was just used as a wall hanger 



I got it in a trade and it was kitted out with an m-lok foregard and an Osprey suppressor. I'm not sure how the suppressor was attached (epoxy maybe) but the suppressor is firmly glued to the gun and I've not been able to remove it.

Comes with one mag, I don't think it's gas tight butt it's so old I didn't bother to test it.


Also has a makeshift picatinny rail drilled into the back, this doesn't affect the cycling of the gun but allows for a picatinny stock - the airsoft artisan kate moss stock is attached and included.


Gun and supressor with mag : 100

full package including stock : 135


postage will be by parcelforce 24h and will be dependent on me finding a suitable box for packaging, likely to be around 7-9 pounds. 


  • Make
  • Model
    G55 /MP5k
  • FPS

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