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Replica Built ACH (US Army 2012 Style)

Replica Built ACH (US Army 2012 Style)


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Hi All,


Got a few bits to ship off as I'm not playing anywhere near enough to warrant keeping this gear.


I built this ACH Replica during lock down with a Olive Green helmet helmet as a base...

drilled on a replica gold Single screw NV mount well sturdy enough for fake NVGs but ide get a new mount for real NVG use.

I bought the cover from US Ebay which described it as service use brand new but not sure on the authenticity but I'm almost certain its just a decent repro, all the fabric seems 10/10, same story with the Cat Eye Band.

I also installed a better head harness system as the original was poor, if I remember correctly it was for use in a Repro Crye Airframe, pads are what came with the base as that's what worked best for me.


Only worn once hence why it looks practically brand new.


£50 for this, i think in total i spent about £80 or so building it but happy to just get rid as its taking up space.


Good for a of era milsim or general skirmishing.


Delivery at buyers expense or Collection available if Liverpool isnt too far.



- United Kingdom

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