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GBB VFC MP7 w/ 3 magazines, a holosight and a thread adapter (12mm to 14mm)

GBB VFC MP7 w/ 3 magazines, a holosight and a thread adapter (12mm to 14mm)


  • Price £335 Shipment cost 20 GBP
1 Question


THE RECEIVER FRONT CAP IS MISSING ON THIS GUN. The front place is fairly easy to find on websites like impulse.


I am unfortunately selling this beauty of

a gun as recently I’ve just found no use of it. 

The recoil is amazing and has a decent range+accuracy.


It has only been used for a single game day as well.


It will come with 3 magazines, a holosight and a thread adapter.


Came fitted with a factory NPAs.



  • Make
  • Model
  • FPS
    adjustable fps (NPAs)
  • Accessories
    3 magazines, holosight and thread adapter


Recommended Questions

Heya what do you mean by front plate? I know of the backplate where the internals are held in but I've never heard of a 'front' plate. Any pictures to show what you are talking about? Or perhaps a link to the part that is missing?




This is the piece I am referring to when I said front plate I am sorry for the confusion - I didn’t know the actual name of the piece


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