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custom flash SOLD SOLD SOLD - HPA Daytona M60 E4 LMG with box mag

custom flash SOLD SOLD SOLD - HPA Daytona M60 E4 LMG with box mag


  • Price £900 Shipment cost 20 GBP
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Custom built HPA Daytona M60 for sale.


This was a labour of love completed over lockdown and I have held on to this for a few years, but I dont have time to play anymore and when I do I prefer some of my other guns due to bad back.


Cost of all parts to build this is around £1,200.00 with the shipping from Canada for the kit, the M60 body which are getting rarer and the easier mag 



1. A&K M60 E4 body

2. Installed and run in Daytona kit

3. 3d printed box flash mag

4. 2 x bottles of getsome lube

5. 2 x extra daytona hopup rubbers

6. Daytona spares (o-ring kit, crush rings, spare hopup nub, etc)

7. Emerson Gear M249/M60 gun bag


Got annoyed with the battery powered mag so completed the brainexploder 3d printed flash mag conversion and now has a cord to pull on bottom of mag. Works flawlessly with no jams during 5000 round break in and no electrics required at all to run anything.


Daytona kit install with no issue, run in over 5000 rounds, and seems to run flawlessly.


Blowback and noise are unmatched apart from the real thing. If your looking to be stared at open mouthed and have player running for cover even when dry firing, this may be the gun for you!


Please note this is a 7-8kg gun unloaded with the kit installed (they dont call her the pig for nothing).


Ranged but never fielded, as I just dont have time.


  • Make
    A&K - HPA Daytona Conversion
  • Model
    M60 E4
  • FPS
    Variable via regulator
  • Accessories
    as per description

Stevenage, Hertfordshire - United Kingdom

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