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VFC/Cybergun XM177E2+XM148 GBBR

VFC/Cybergun XM177E2+XM148 GBBR


  • Price £800 Shipment cost 7 GBP
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1 Question


Got This gun when they first released as they looked really good but ended up never really using it as I just kept using my VFC M733. I have had it out to a couple of games so it has a couple of marks on it but nothing major. I installed a adjustable V3 nozzle in to this so you can change the FPS depending gas/time of year your using it. Main reason I'm selling this is I'm now looking at getting the VFC/Umarex HK53 but don't currently have the funds for one.


Im looking for £800 for this as it cost me about £1300 new I am open to sensible offers and would be willing to trade for a VFC HK53 with a few mags.


  • Make
  • Model
    XM177E2 + XM148
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    7 Mags + Hardcase

Cupar, Fife - United Kingdom

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