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Wolverine mk2 reaper Krytac spr trident

Wolverine mk2 reaper Krytac spr trident


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Krytac spr trident with a wolverine reaper electro mechanical, perfect dmr build, the trigger is wired to a micro switch so it has a very short trigger pull, its got a t238 speed trigger, green g&g hop rubber in the krytac hop unit, the gun it self was two toned but I've cleaned it up as much as I can just the very odd spec here or there £400 collected from Bristol or could meat up somewhere  near , or £425 posted and PayPal ono......spartan board included in the sale just in case you want to full auto it, or trade what have you got?


  • Make
    Krytac trident spr
  • Model
    Wolverine reaper mk2
  • FPS

Bristol, Winterbourne, Gloucestershire - United Kingdom

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