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WANT TO BUY - Real Sword Type 97 Or Type 97B

WANT TO BUY - Real Sword Type 97 Or Type 97B


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WTB a fully functional or broken ones,   type 97 or type 97b

 95% new nearly no scratches , original box , manually and stuff,  I can pay a lump sum of £700 (seller covers paypal and post fees,  I can only pay to seller's paypal account, no friends or family account please)

85-90% new some scratches , original box , manually and stuff  600

75-85%  expected wear and tear ,  no original box and stuff  500

below 70%  ,obvious damage to surface,  but shooting & interal functional no issue,   around 400 ish

bad damage on surface , internal issue, i can still buy,   pay around 200 - 300 ish

only a shell, not useable at all,  i can still buy,  pay around 100-200 ish for parts...

Let me know if you do have one of these 



(I already owns one, just buying the 2nd one 😅)


  • Make
    Real Sword
  • Model
    Type 97
  • FPS

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