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G&P Retro CAR-15 Build AEG

G&P Retro CAR-15 Build AEG


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Selling my retro CAR-15 build. It isn't based on a particular gun model, though if you added an XM177E2 style flash hider it would match the USAF GAU-5A.


The base gun was a G&P XM177E2 AEG. The internals are all stock G&P, but I have modified the externals as follows:


  • Real steel black nylon skinny handguards from Brownells
  • G&P M16VN Duckbill flash hider (steel)
  • Replaced the original body with an E&C M16VN AEG Metal Receiver. This has a full fence, lacks the forward assist, lacks the modern brass deflector and has a working ejection port cover
  • Added a chrome dummy bolt cover lacking forward assist marks (should be noted this is a little stiff, had to attach it atop the old one)
  • Nylon sling attachment point on the stock


All in good working order, shoots about 330 fps. It is wired to deans, battery goes in the buffer tube. Two small defects worth noting - the front sight has a very slight wobble to it, and barrel beneath the front sight has been sanded and repainted (both caused by a stripped front sight grub screw). Comes with the original 130 round steel magazine.


Payment via Paypal G&S only. Price includes both postage and Paypal fees. Delivery only no collections, sorry. A valid UKARA will be required (and will be checked). Thanks for looking!


  • Make
  • Model
    Custom (XM177E2)
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    130rd mag

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