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TM mws/mtr

TM mws/mtr


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Started life as the MTR16 basically a fully ambidextrous MWS.


Angry gun mk16 rail 9.3

Twist fluted original outer barrel machined and thread to 10 barrel to suit rail.

PTS CTR stock.

Angry gun mil spec buffer

G&P Mod 0 QD suppressor

Kac style fire selector 

geissele ambi charging handle.



Edgi 6.01 inner barrel

Autobot rubber with omega nub

140% nozzle return spring

G&P CNC npas (I've tried all the mws npas versions and this is best personally)


Been main gun for a long time now, never needed anything other than nozzle return spring which is common. Just good clean every few months when I was playing.


Gun is used scuffs etc but nothing broken or abused. Has some paint pen on the receiver that will clean off with some spirits. Only scratch is from the charging handle when the split pin came lose few years ago can see it in the photos of the ambi handle pulled back.


7 mags all with recent new fill valves. Few mags have the silent fill o ring installed.

Vortex sparc AR has been rattle canned in the past but optic is clear as the day I got it. 


Reason for sale been sitting on a rack for the last 7 months gathering dust.


  • Make
  • Model
  • FPS
    Gas dependant
  • Accessories
    Vortex red dot, mod 0 suppressor, 7 mags

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