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Tm vsr gspec with wooden stock

Tm vsr gspec with wooden stock


  • Price £115
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Tm vsr gpec with wooden stock


The wood stock i can`t remember the make but it was made for a vsr pro so was sanded down to fit the gspec barrel and has a small crack at the front seen in the last picture.  The stock is abit fussy to fit and needs to be tightened just right or it will make the mag eject very stiff but once it is tightened just right i haven`t had any issues.

The piston occasionally slips if you try to cock the bolt too fast but i think this is due to the 45 degree piston and it firing at 328fps so shouldn`t be an issue if the piston and sears were replaced with a 90 degree which would be needed if your upping the fps anyway.

The rifle and the threads on the barrel and other parts are pretty worn but still screw together ok.



  • Make
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  • FPS
    328 fps

bushmills, Co antrim

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