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Raptor SV-98

Raptor SV-98


  • Price £350 Shipment cost 7 GBP
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Selling my raptor sv98 as I don't not use it at all and it's just sitting in its box collecting dust. It has been take out to 1 game day when I first got it however I just didn't really enjoying using a sniper as I'm much more partial to a big LMG. It's does currently have a m120 spring installed in it as they are normally shooting at 330 when stock so its now up at 405FPS. This was also the deluxe edition gun so it come with a suppressor, 2 mags and the very recognisable carry handle. 


Looking for 350 for the gun as I'm wanting a relatively quick sale as I'm wanting to the money to get some new bits for one of my LMGs 


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