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SSG24 With Extras

SSG24 With Extras


  • Price £350
9 Offers
0 Questions


Novritsch SSG24 - M140 (149m/s - 490fps at 0,2g) (Never actually had it checked though)


Comes with:


2x SSG24 Gen 2 magazines

SSG24 Sling swivels

25mm 30mm rail adapter (sits ontop of scope, not in photo)

Novritsch 0.4g bio BB's bottle (full/unused)

Hard case

(Assortment of other stuff which came with the gun like patches and stickers)


Gun's never been skirmished and has had a maximum of 2 mags put through it in my back garden, next to no signs of wear on the gun, only a tiny scuff on the bolt.

Scope cover has a tiny crack in it, and a scruff on the front. Not sure how it happened but I'm guessing bottle of bb's must have knocked into it during storage. Scope works perfectly, just the plastic shield, still does it's just fine.

Case has a few scuffs. Gun has pretty much been sat in storage since buying it in June 2019, don't see myself ever using it since I'm into CQB now!

Collection from Norwich center


  • Make
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Scope, Sling swivels, 2x SSG24 Gen 2 magazines

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