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ICS L85 A2 AEG + Madbull Daniel Defence Handguard

ICS L85 A2 AEG + Madbull Daniel Defence Handguard


  • Price £340 Shipment cost 10 GBP
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Selling my ICS L85 A2 AEG. This is one of my favourite rifles I've owned. A great rifle for anyone after the British Military loadup. It has been skirmished only a couple of times, but still in very good condition. However, the Madbull Daniel Defence handguard has never been skirmished and is in as new condition. With my new family this just became a garden plinker, before finally being boxed away into the wardrobe several years ago. Never going to be used again, so I'm finally selling my entire collection.


The Madbull Daniel Defence handguard and adaptor for the ICS L85 retail by themselves for £170. 


Also included is two extra PTS Polymer Magazines 150 rds Mid Caps, A Red dot scope, battery and charger, original handguard and carry handle/iron sites, speed loader, and a few extra cosmetic spares. Also a genuine British military L85 MTP PCS Rifle Sling, with NATO stock number. 


This set up has pretty much all that you need. I would perhaps recommend the rifle be serviced as it has been in storage for so long. 

I have given it a very brief test (approx 20 BBs) in semi and full auto, and everything performed as expected.


Rifle sells currently retails new for £300, and with accessories, I've probably spent close to £600. 


I'm selling it with all the accessories for £340 + £10 postage.

Payment through PayPal only. Friends and family payment preferred, however if wanting to pay as a trade sale, buyer is to pay for the extra costs. 


Please ensure you have a valid defence to purchase. 


Thanks 🙂


  • Make
  • Model
    L85 A2
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Madbull Daniel Defence handguard, x2 EMag, red dot scope, battery and charge, speed loader, genuine L85 sling, and cosmetic spares.

Coventry - United Kingdom

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