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13th May MCG at the Bawtry Paintball Fields

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MCG (Matlock Combat Games) Bawtry Paintball Fields



Sunday 13th May MCG we will be holding a game at the Bawtry Paintball fields (http://www.bawtrypaintballfields.co.uk/) we have access to all the site and positions although there will be paintballers on site during the day also so we will have approx half the site to play on AM and the the other half PM.


There is a mixed bag of areas including buildings, helicopter, military ambulances amongst a large area of untouched woodland that is not used for paintball whatsoever.


I am aware that playing Airsoft on a paintball site is not for everyone however I see this as an opportunity to try something new?


The price for this event will not include lunch, however food and drinks are sold at the site and are available throughout the day!


For Bookings see our Forum or book http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/?showtopic=9945


Non Members £25

Members £20


Hire £45




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