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SWINDON airsoft site

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if your in swindon, and looking for serious skirmishing, i have land owner permission to play with small numbers of players at a time (around 8) at a place a shall not disclose online due to exclusivity!!!


its a large woodland area near swindon.


size, 1500 feet by 2300 feet woodland and bush area.


watch the inuendo's roll in on that one.


anyway, were a team of 5 serious dedicated skirmishers who like to play our own game our own way in a massive arena, and of course, its free to play.


VERY EXCLUSIVE, all serious players welcome, must have own kit we dont hire weapons out or anything. strict NO explosive devices (flash or smoke) rule, but bb grenades ok.


but please contact, whether its just you or a group, and come check out our site.


Dodge - Team Reapers


[email protected]

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