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Which M4 10.5"?


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Hi all


I'm in the market for my first AEG and I am looking for a 10.5" M4 with the 4 rail front end. I love the look of the G&P m4 pictured, but since I have been on stock alerts for over a year, this isn't looking likely!


Another option is the Specna Arms EDGE 2.0 SA-E03 and then buy a short barrel for it. What would you suggest? Any suggestions are much appreciated!


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Personally I'd avoid Specna. We've experienced 3 - two Edge 2.0s & a core.


The externals are poor - even with maintenance/tightening we experienced parts falling off & shedding pins/screws/bolts.


Internally they performed well - I'm not an airsmith but my wife is. I had no problems gearbox/hop wise but her take on the Edge 2.0 is that the gearbox/shimming is not premium at all but rather budget.


Lots of barrel wobble unless you want to go down the route of spacers & the 6.03 (I may have misremembered the exact size) inner is thin with poor polish/finishing.


The core wouldn't keep hop for any length of time & had major issues with feeding with hi or midcaps (Specna or other marques). 


Our supplier after refunding on the core and providing a replacement Edge 2.0 (the first when it turned up they told us was unsaleable) later told us that roughly 50% of their first batch of RIFs had severe QA issues. Obviously other people may have had a good one from a good batch but based on our experiences I wouldn't touch one with someone else's bargepole.


We've had 2 Arcturus M4/AR15 since - a CAT x Versatile & a Lite ME. Both are rock solid & been brilliant for the money with great internals. They do seem to be sold out everywhere though. 

Edited by GraniteFraggle
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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