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ASG Scorpion Evo Atek stops firing during games


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Hi all


I bought a second hand scorpion evo atek a few months ago. It had an evotek upgrade kit installed by jd airsoft and it had been working perfect for the past few months. 


During the last two games i’ve played, it has stopped firing after 1-3 mags. Even after changing the battery during the last game it didn’t fix the issue. The gun totally stops firing and the trigger locks up. I disassembled it, dis and then reconnected the motor and it started firing again. The first game when it stopped working, I left it awhile and it magically started working again. When it happened at the last game I played, I thought it must not be a random issue which is why I disassembled it. Did the motor need just need reconnecting or is there some other issue going on?


Not sure if this is a common issue or not as I can’t find much information online. 


Any help would be much appreciated as I’m going to the national airsoft festival this month. Thank you everyone. 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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