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UTR45 Mag with a good spring

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Chaps and chapesses 

Ive got the HPA engine working on my mates gun but I think he will need a better mag. It’s mid cap DE stock one. I don’t think PTS do one. Anyone know of a good place to try or is it possible to upgrade a mid cap spring?

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As far as I know this is the only 'other' UTR magazine I've seen, although apparently it takes G&G PCG45 mags too? Haven't tried anything apart from the stock magazines and while they've been fine for me I'm not exactly running fast RPS or anything.


This video from JHQ has a pretty spicy DSG setup that's still running the standard mags and they seem to be keeping up okay?

Edited by pyromancer6
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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