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Double bell k98k shells experiment


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16888347254156435705547205568790.thumb.jpg.4e9e5067d9f9b85d27bf94fbd88c22a8.jpg16888347254156435705547205568790.thumb.jpg.4e9e5067d9f9b85d27bf94fbd88c22a8.jpg16888347704505962821633828836863.thumb.jpg.3e02378645ddeb10f0bd147ba19ff7f1.jpg16888347965535380906829129041159.thumb.jpg.9481029794232ecb733f8b9313d8b95e.jpg16888348296038198359722650577827.thumb.jpg.e302b8c71f386ee4229263ada5d18a7b.jpg16888348515071713344622398914439.thumb.jpg.a997729ec0c769875ddb0c33b1ce1510.jpg16888348660925535979670649351779.thumb.jpg.726457394277b82e78b1c8b9ebad1413.jpgHi all

      Just thought I would share my ideas on the shells of these rifles. I've been toying with the idea of making them from spent 7.92 cases. I first tried a test one using a wooden head turned in my lathe. The theory worked so then made one out of aluminium. This again worked better as expected. I have now made one from steel. One the gas rifle it is firing at 415 fps so good results I think. The main reason I wanted to do this is because the noise from the ribbed turning marks on the factory ones really annoyed me, being an ex fac holder and shooting real 98's. They now feed in without that rubbing noise  feeding and ejecting very smoothly. The main thing to do next is to put a groove on the inside of the head to hold the bb which is only holding with friction at the moment. In the gas version 98 it's around 415 fps but in the spring version it's only around 100. I'm pretty sure I now the reason for this so will make some modifications to the design and test when i get some spare time. The pictures show the wood one aluminium and then steel.

 Would be interested in the views of others on this idea or if anyone else has tried this.16888347254156435705547205568790.thumb.jpg.4e9e5067d9f9b85d27bf94fbd88c22a8.jpg


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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