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New Airsoft company in Staffordshire

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Hi All.


I would like to inform you off a new airsoft company operating in Staffordshire.www.urban6airsoft.com

has been running for two months now and gathering a good customer base.We operate from Ivy Wood nr Lichfield which is our home base where we play mid week through out the year.Ivy Wood is a purpose built site which belongs to Delta Force paintball which is the largest paintball company in the uk.


Our other site which opens in August is zone13 at Swynnerton nr Stafford.This site is a purpose built military training area covering 640 acres of bunkers bridges woodland purpose built kill house blown up tanks etc etc.


We are ukara registered and run a membership with some great perks.All staff are very experienced and our game scenarios are well thought out.So if you feel like a mid week game or want a full days mil sim at Zone13 please have a look on our webpage and facebook page where you will find some good reviews.


Best regards Mark.

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