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Raven G17 magazine router issues?


This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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Morning all (hey, its morning somewhere in the world!)


My boy has a raven G17. Nice little pew. Skirmished it a fair bit and its been pretty flawless. 

We stripped it and gave it a funky paint job too. 

We bought an extended 50 round mag for it and away we went. Blasting all and sundry. 

However.....he's come back to me saying that the top slide isn't fully reseating and resetting the trigger. You have to physically push it the last 3-4mm and you can hear the thing reset.

One, two or three shots later it does it again. 

I've stripped it, cleaned it,lubed it and then done it again. And again. :) 

Swapped to his standard 25 round mag and it seems ok. 

If i dont push the extended mag home all the way, its fine, which kinda makes me think that the nozzle/frame is catching on the gas router on the extended mag. 

Ive measured them both out of the maga and theyre IDENTICAL!!! go figure.. :(

My questions are these....

Can i trim the router? how?

does anyone know of a similar issue? (the aap01 thread covered it breifly but no real joys)

Lube? silicone grease/oil/dry/axle grease? :)

It fits his AAP01 and works flawlessly. which is odd. 


DADTECH is running out of ideas... LOL. :D

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Check the position of the mag catch recess in the mags. KWA Vectors can have similar issues.

As it potentially affects the gas seal, even 1/20th of a mm can make a difference, so you need digital callipers really

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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