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Building My First Loadout!


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I want to try actually going to matches. However i want to make a Russian kit regardless. I'm really into the 'Flora' Camo design so any kits that revolve around that would be grate. I believe the VSR-98 and VSR-93 kits are what i should build? So if anyone could help me by letting me know which bits of kit go with which and stuff like the names of the combat clothes chest rigs and armor, where to buy from and any relevant info would be really helpful. I live in the UK. For weapons i am planning on making two weapon loadouts. 1) An AK-74 type rifle, 5KU PBS-1 suppressor, GP-25 launcher and some sort of optic on a low AK style side mount. 2) A VSS/AS VAL with small laser, PSO-1 SVD scope, also would have a AKS-74U with PBS-5 suppressor for CBC. 

The Chechnya wars uniforms seems to be what I should try to replicate for my loadouts.  

My E-Mail: [email protected]


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The simplest thing would be to find some images of the location and period in question and take inspiration from that.


You probably realise that Russia has a number of agencies with fingers in the “internal security” pie and they have a miriad of uniforms, insignia (or not), equipment and a sometimes puzzling mix of issue kit but plus what they picked up in Mere (Lidl type shop).


What I’m saying is either try for a specific unit and research them as Russia has made masses of variations to list all of them.


Or settle for a general kit that supports the weapons you’ve chosen.

If you like flora go for it and look for decent quality chest to start with like the Pioneer M4; Gorod assault vest; MVD & OMON vests et.

I’m sure someone will point out that you need blue addidas trainers. 🙄


Sposn and Bars kit are online. I think Oleg at Rusmilitary is still going. Plenty on eBay. Grey-shop is a another source.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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