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Softer Airsofting for Operation Warpath at Apocalypse :)

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If anyone thinks a 36hr event is a bit too 'full on' and fancies a cheap excuse to shoot at Apocalypse Airsoft, then there are spaces for around 25 players to represent the local villagers/militia in Operation Warpath on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th July.


Looking for 'sensible' players who can manage themselves without being herded about by 'flouro' marshals.


So, break out the 'insurgent' kit, load up the AK and repel the infidels !!!!


Price is just £5 per day :)



For more info give Martin a call on 07872 348576



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  • 2 weeks later...
£5 per day seems really cheap!!


Are you just recruiting cannon fodder for the Tier one guys who have paid £75 for the weekend?


Not quite cannon fodder as the two main forces will be primarily fighting each other, so the villagers will add an element of uncertainty for these teams.


Essentially the idea was to offer a some places for people to take a 'trial step' into a MilSim, without committing to a full 36 hours straight.


Plus, the addition of villagers will add more realism to the event - hence the subsidised price :)


For a more info see ... http://apocalypse249.com/dates/villager.htm

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