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Southside Airsoft Youtube Channel


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Hi Guys,


Relatively recently I started a channel, initially to try and get some of the lads involved which has luckily paid off quite well, making my regular team of 2 into 5 or 6!


I've made a few videos of various things like gameplay, reviews, tips and unboxing - all pretty amateur stuff so far.


Starting with no video/audio creating or editing experience, I've slowly acquired better knowledge and equipment, and content is going up although in a sporadic upload schedule...


Hopefully when the lockdown is over I'll be back out, meeting people and get more gameplay videos up too!


I would be grateful for any feedback, subs, comments or questions.


Stay safe my dudes! ðŸ¤™


SouthSide Airsoft - YouTube

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  • 5 months later...

Been a while, finally got back out and got some footage post-lockdown, feel free to check it out, or don't, whatever works!



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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