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Have I got PME

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Hi all,

Just finished on a G&G CM16 raider L. All I've changed from stock is:

G&G metal tooth piston

SHS piston head

bearing spring guide

The beefier G&G ifrit motor

16awg wire

A simple MOSFET circuit I made

ZCI Air nozzle

ZCI Cylinder


I corrected AOE (or so I thought) and Swiss cheesed the piston. Third tooth is shaved to avoid interference and I shimmed using bevel to pinion. I put in a fresh 7.4V LiPo and semi shoots fine. Auto works great when there are no BBs loaded. When I put in a mag on full auto, occasionally, it would make a crunch noise like what I would expect PME to sound like, but I have no idea if that's what it is. 


If I switch to semi and shoot, the BB comes out but always at a low velocity.


Does anyone have any ideas for what to do?



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