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Best way to spend my bonus?

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Hi everyone I'm new to AFUK and I thought you lot on here might be able to help me out. So I'm getting a bonus from work and I'm looking to expand my arsenal from an lone AR.


I have two separate baskets, and I know what the individual items are I'm just stuck with what arrangement of items I should get. 


The first one is 

Sniper + scope, pistol and 0.4g BB's 

Or the second is 

Sniper, scope, ghillie & chest rig, ML barrel, ML bucking & ML arm and 0.4g BB's


I'm leaning more towards the second one as I'm aware most snipers require some upgrades.


For anyone interested the sniper is the A&K M24 (inspired by The Sniper Mechanic's post) and the pistol would be the RWA Nighthawk Custom. I appreciate neither of these items are classed as high-end gear however this is what my budget allows. 


Thanks in advance for anyone and everyone's opinion. 

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