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Buy and upgrade Maruzen L96 for £200?!?

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So I’ve been planning to get into Airsoft sniping for a while after being an M4 fan.I decided not to go for the standard vsr-10 but the L96.I wondered if it was possible to get good results with just £200 including price of the rifle.I found an ad for a second hand one at £80, a steal.The gun had barely been used but lost some seals.This is where the upgrades began.



I completely stripped the gun applying oil to the parts and replacing O rings.I also wrapped Teflon tape around the piston head.



While the gun was apart I put in an M120 400 fps spring (£14.99) as I wasn’t planning on replacing the tripped or piston due to the budget so didn’t want to break the gun at 500 fps.



Next I bought a PDI hop up chamber (£52.50),a PPS barrel 500 mm (£19.99),some R hop tubing (£2.99) and a flat hop bucking and nub via amazon (£15.89)



I put all of this together Teflon taping areas where possible leaks could occur, I then got some tape I had lying around and made some barrel spacers (sticky side out except for last layer in case I need to remove them.



I re assembled the gun and bought a scope for £16.59 which I placed in the gun.


This gun performed excellent for the price, while it won’t be competing with £400+ snipers it will outrange accurately many AEGs with 0.3g bbs.The 400 fps is limiting and with a larger budget you can upgrade the parts required to withhold 500 fps; however the 400 fps meant I had a 20m not 30 m engagement distance which is good if I was in a building being assaulted.


Any question please ad them or any suggestions for what I could have done better let me know.

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