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Aug A3 for new starter

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Hello all,


First off, new to airsoft so please excuse me for incorrectly stating any particulars of a gun. So after trawling the forums, youtube videos and the like I've got a couple of questions that I'd like some help with. There doesn't seem to be too much recently (i.e. past two years of posts) on the Aug A3 and there doesn't seem to be too much around. In summary:


Primarily for aesthetic reasons I want to find a good quality Aug A3 however there does not seem to be many out there. I've read reviews on opposite ends of the spectrum for the JG Aug A3(link), the same for the APS UAR (link) and the ASG Steyr Aug A3 (link - not too fond of the look of this one though) but really not too much else, and i was hoping to find something mid market rather than pure beginner end. I've seen the potential of conversion kits from an A1/A2 (e.g. perhaps using a CA as a base) but they are a little over my head at the moment, so would need to know if it's worth investigating or not.


These aren't true A3s as there are gaps in the upper part of the frame in two of them (i've seen some 3d printed conversion kits that i could use to make it look more like the real deal) but again, that's only on the above mentioned. I'd definitely look to get some of the key plastic internals upgraded to metal e.g. bushings (although I've read the JG has metal which is a plus) but that would be something i do in the near future, and therefore I'm trying to find a gun that would be upgradeable  if needs be.


What are your experienced gentleman's thoughts? Should i go for the JG? Should i get a better quality A1/A2 and convert it to the A3 look? Or should i just bite the bullet and get an ICS L85? I've had experience maintaining shooting equipment so that shouldn't be too much of a concern by the way (as i know some are more difficult than others).


Would be great to hear your opinions. Cheers!

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