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Chochlik Airsoft Sniper YouTube channel

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Hi guys let me invite you to check out my YT channel. Its called Chochlik Airsoft Sniper. Currently Im posting just sniper gameplays, but in future my content will be wider. Soon Im going for one of the biggest MilSim games in Europe. BorderWar 9 , I will do video log from this one , as well as game play. Soon I will start unboxing and how to series , and who knows what future holds. smile.gif hopefully you will like what you see and hopefully you will enjoy it, if so please leave like and sub or maybe even comment if you feel like it , I always reply and welcome any feedback. Good or bad. Anyway enough of boring stuff and lets get to it! smile.gif thank you and enjoy guys smile.gif


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  • 9 months later...

Some bad plays Ive experienced not long ago and as well as my friend from across ocean ispired me to to this(please be taken with a pinch of salt too) xD



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On 15/03/2017 at 9:09 PM, PT247 said:

Will you take an active part in this forum as well as posting videos or will you just be putting videos up?

Guess not lol 

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