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Trade show anyone, anywhere..?

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Not been into this long, i was wondering if there was such a thing as a large Trade show for the Airsoft community and those related, along the lines of the excellent "Militaria" shows at Stoneleigh and Malvern for those of us interested in anything under the general 'militaria' umbrella?


A couple of Airsoft dealers exhibit and trade at the shows listed above, but faced with a bewildering amount of Airsoft kit available on the internet, I'm finding it hard to form an opinion on any kit without actuallyhandling the kit in my hands.


So, does such a show exist?


If not, can anyone recommend some large shops with a range of gear I can see in the 'flesh'?




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there is an Airsoft Arms Fair that Gunman Midlands have held a couple of times and has been quite a success, there is also the Combat Sports Fair at Swynnerton in the midlands which is predominantly Pball but they are planning of expanding into Airsoft aswell this year. Both in the Midlands area at the mo.


you can google either for info mate



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