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ASPUK EZ 90 degree trigger set VSR-10 Issues

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Hi all,


Just hoping for some advice regarding the titular ASPUK EZ 90 degree trigger set.


I received said set and installed it today. The set consists of the 90 degree trigger, piston, M150 spring and metal spring guide, all of which I have installed and they appear to work fine in my TM VSR-10 Gspec.


My only two questions are, firstly the trigger pull seems very very heavy. Is this due to the stronger spring requiring more pressure to free it from the spring stop, is it something that will break in with use or have I simply put something in backwards lol? I have had the damned thing apart several times and have followed the ASPUK installation guide and everything appears correctly installed.


Secondly, the once quiet rifle is now damned loud! I was expecting an increase in volume however the sheer amount of noise seems massively greater than anticipated. I already have the usual foam filled stock, upgraded cylinder head and the marvellous gspec banana and am running .36s in the stock barrel which I believe is roughly in the correct barrel/cylinder/BB weight ratio given that with the M150 (plus AA hop chamber, teflon taped cylinder head etc, I should be hitting around 500fps though not had chance to chrono yet, so I am unsure why this is.


Any advice on either issue would be greatly appreciated!


Many thanks,



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