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13 Feb at The Village

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Op. - 'Mostar Bank Job'

Year :-2000

Location :-Bosnian Federation and Republika Srpska

In a nut shell the Dayton Agreement has been signed by all parties to end the war in Bosnia.

IFOR is still there keeping the New peace and it is working but there is still alot of tension between the Croats and Muslims.

Elections have been held but no government has been formed so tensions are at breaking point.

The Hard line Croat HDZ party has been has been defeated at the polls and is not happy and is out to destabalise the whole reagen again ...IFOR will not tollerate this.

Even though they had lost they still held sway and power then IFOR found out the reason.... Money , Buying support of sympathetic millitary groups to further their aims so something had to be done.

Their 'Treasury' was the Herzcegovacka Banka in Mostar.

So on 18 April at 2 am The 2nd Battallion ,Prince of Wales's Regiment surrounded the bank, with a French betallion securing an outer cordon.

Blowing a hole in the rear wall they entered and took controll of the building.

All computers and paperwork,discs + mainfraims were removed carefully and 'A man in Black' (Flown in that evening) blew the vaults....( He singed a few notes.....).

All was compleated by 6 AM with the loot safely back at IFOR base.


The Croats were forced to back down and a reasonable peace remains as we speak in the area.


Normal times of arrival prices etc,

Hire equipment Must be booked online.

Berger man Andy on site all day.

Questions Ring Pete on ,



Telephone: 08456 345 011 - Mon to Sat 9am to 6pm


Mobile: 07894 098 715 - Mon to Sat 9am to 6pm and Sunday when events are running at the site


Bookings and general information enquires: [email protected]

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