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New UKARA Airsoft site coming Highlands, Scotland

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ArniesAirsoft was good enough to post the news on his site that i will be opening a site in the highlands of scotland.


Highland Tactical Airsoft is opening on the 26th February 2011!

we will be taking bookings at the start of Feb for the opening day!

Just north of inverness!


The site is located at the old RAF Tain WW2 Airfield for some large scale outdoor combat in an urban environment all right next to the largest active bombing range in Europe. Standard skirmishes, Objective based games and some Milsim will be happening on a regular basis with some Night games in the winter and some 2 day events in the summer.


Entry starts at £15 and £10 for registered members with UKARA membership & site exclusive patch.


Gun rental will be available on site for £15 (Book in advance for Gun hire)

Ammunition & Pyro's will be sold on site.


All players must use Biodegradable ammunition.


We will also be retailing Airsoft Weapons & equipment (A catalogue will be available on our site soon)


Check out HighlandTacticalAirsoft.co.uk for contact details and bookings.

Ages from 11-16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult with permission from parent/legal guardian of which will be followed up by a call!

*please note that google earth & maps shows the Tain, Ross-shire in the wrong location and that its a fault that has been registered.*

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