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Tips for a new airsoft YouTuber


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Hi I'm going to be starting a airsoft YouTube channel. I'm 15 and I've only been playing a year so I can't do tutorials or anything like that. I have more of a rushing style of play and tend to go to skirmishes with lots of quick objective games but would it be better to do longer games are they more interesting? Any tips for growing my channel aswell are very much appreciated!


Thank you

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Hi there,


Im also 15 and have been playing airsoft for 1 1/2 years


I have a youtube channel currently based on airsoft, I upload a highlights/ funny moments video every month with little videos in between


Check it out www.youtube.com/user/majormanniairsoft


One good one is called camping banter, Check it out :)

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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