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Mission Complete Series

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Hey guys!


Mission Complete is a personal project of mine that is loosely based on a Military Channel series called Special Ops Missions.
It's shot on first person view around the world portraying several on-the-go airsoft missions without any type of scripting whatsoever.
A briefing is shown at the start of the video with the site location, kit used and objectives.
Season 1 was already completed with 10 episodes and Season 2 is now being worked on.
I found that there are rarely videos about the "bad guys" in Airsoft so I've decided to make Season 2 based on what it is to play them in Airsoft.
It's all a bit silly and hopefully mildly entertaining if you are expecting to see something different in your videos ;)
Anyway, here is the teaser for Season 2
I've open to comments, suggestions, critics that are hopefully constructive.
Season 1 is available in the main channel: http://www.youtube.com/MissionCSeries
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