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Classic army - Sportline SA-M7

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This review in no way reflects all of the classic army products or even this product. It is a review of the product that I received and if all of classic army products are like this there is no way that they would be in business today.


In 2011 I bought this Classic Army sportline SA-M7. At £150 I thought it was going to be a reasonably good quality product but wasn't expecting it to be outstanding. Upon receiving the product I tried it out and found that the battery cover takes a while to get used to, that is putting it back on and it felt a bit light and brittle. It felt as if it wouldn't last an airsoft game. It was all going well for about a week (so about 2 hours of playing time and less than 2000 bbs gone through it). After this week the single shot option stopped working. No biggie I thought as i usually use automatic any way. After this I put it away up until today as I started driving and no longer had the time or money to enjoy airsoft.


So today I take it out as I have a day off and put the charged battery in and nothing. Doesn't work at all. When I went to open it up I was greeted with this!!



Pictures a bit blurry but it shows that there is no screw and a broken mount.




If you hadn't guessed from the first picture this one shows that yes the whole of the gun is held together with super glue!!!! I have not opened this gun before and have not dropped it at all! I wish I had noticed this as soon as I got it because it would of been sent straight back!!



I know I've had it 2 years but it's only shot under 2000 bbs and doesn't work. It may have been the company I bought it off who butchered the gun (won't name and shame them). My advice? Don't waste £150 on this gun save a bit more, around £50, and get a better branded gun or a metal version. Wish I'd noticed this before today and I wouldn't of wasted £150. I will definitely look into reviews before I buy another airsoft gun.

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