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G&G G226 or Xtreme 45

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reliable for shooting cans


? What ? Maby it's just me but I think you have to explain a bit... I can't realy see how shooting cans should break any gun. But let me "take a shot" and give you some facts...


If you take the "shooting cans" part out of the question, and just ask "Witch is most reliable", then i would divide the question in 3 parts.

A. Reliable in the form of makind sure it shoots, and don't mis fire...

B. Witch is more durable.

C. Acuracy


A: The G226 has less moving parts so i can't see why i should eaver "mis fire" eaven when treating it werry baad... The X45 has more mooving parts (because of the Blow back) an if you don't take care of it (i meen like drop in in mud and don't clean it ... and stuf like that) then i may result in it failing ...

B. Durability is all about the material, and metal will last longer an can take more beatings ...

C. Both are kind of the same, is more an aiming issue than a gun question. But I do belive that the x45 is made allot better so if you camp both, taking the aiming part out of the equation. Then i'm relativly sure the x45 will have a bit less spread....


So to me it's kind of a no brainer "reliable for shooting cans" go for the X 45. Any guns should be able to shoot cans for many years, so getting a metal one (eaven with Blow back) will last you longer. But if shooting cans is all you want (and just want to play in the back yard or something) go for the g226 and save some money ....


But i realy thing you should clarify what you meen by "reliable for shooting cans"?

Is it a matter of acuracy, durability, or preventing jams and miss fires??

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For durability i would deffenetly say the Xtreme 45! I have tried one, and every part of it screems durability ... The only part I'm not sure of is the Magasine on it ... havent had a chanse to realy check out the valve etc... but I'm pretty sure they will be same quality or better ....


So go for the Xtreme 45 !

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