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Real Sword Type 97

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FPS: 287 - 292 with 0.2g blaster bb's

Hop up: Yes, accessible by pulling the charging handle back, does not move the cover out of the way by much but there is enough room to adjust it. Unit itself is not particularly fiddly or over-sensitive to adjust, and produces fantastic engagement range.

Mag Capacity: Supplied with a 100 round STANAG/M4 style mid cap, but accepts most M4 style high-caps. Lonex flash mags are an exceptionally stiff fit but can function, and some cheap brands of M4 mag did not fit.

Battery: Not included. runs very well on a 7.4 Lipo twin stick type, there may also be room to run a smaller Lipo held within the pistol grip. Battery space is pretty tight, and wiring is particularly tricky to hide within the handguard.

Plastic/Metal/Both: High-grade polymer construction, metal lower receiver and gearbox.

My opinion and overall comments: Firstly, if you don't feel like reading all this i did a video review of the gun which you can find right here;




Out of the box the gun feels completely solid, its highly likely that it is constructed out of the same material as the real steel version since Real Sword is owned by the original manufacturer. Couple of nice extras included in the box such as an (empty) oil can, metal collapsible cleaning rod, owners certificate and manual. Top rail for scope mounts is not included however, and must be bought separately.


Feels relatively heavy to hold, but due to bullpup design the balance point is just behind the pistol grip so the gun is pretty manuverable even with a single hand. Definitely not designed for CQB though, even though it is a more compact gun regarding its barrel length it is still pretty long, and so hard to move around corners and cover.


This is an extremely accurate AEG, always run mine with a scope mounted to it in order to get the most out of its ranged abilities, could easily take the role of a DMR even with the low FPS reading. Saying that though, at extreme ranges targets can spot the slow moving bb's and so have time to duck back into cover - a spring upgrade is recommended.


Things i didn't like - included mid-cap magazine would have feeding issues when emptying the last 20 or so rounds, mag release was very stiff when first used (loosened up after a few games though), potential ergonomic issues with the location of mag release and fire selector but thats more a case of adapting to the gun.

Overall rating: Although an expensive gun, you can definitely see where your money went in terms of quality, reliability, and performance. If you can get over the ergonomic issues, you can always rely on this gun to get the job done.


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