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EU facebook trade group

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Hi, my name is Hrvoje and i am Croatian airsoft player. Croatia is newest member of Europe union so i started to search other EU airsoft forums, especially ones with trade markets. So i came to idea to create open facebook group for airsoft trading from EU countrys only. We have regional group in Croatia and it proven to work very well. So why not go global Perhaps some of you wanna make HV (Croatian Army) loadout, why not get pretty cheep RS gear? Goes vice versa. My plan is to contact every major EU country airsoft forums and try to get people to join in. If you wanna check it out or think its a good idea please join this group:

There is no personal gain for me of any kind, just contrary i am spending my time and effort to bring people who wanna trade together. I am sorry if i made ​​any gramma mistakes , please dont gun me down :) Thanks for your time. Over and out ...

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It does sound like a good idea (however much I do dislike the EU) and could help with specific loadout building


But what'll most likely happen is people get raped by postage fees

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It's a smart idea, but like Nick said, potage fees might be a problem. Then again, if your getting real steel gear from a certain country you can get no-where else, your gonna have to pay a heftier price ;) So, yeah, nice idea :)

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