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walther ppk 007 50th edition from somewhere other the special airsoft supplies

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Hi guys I'm new im a collector and an actor. I was on redwolf airsoft and saw the new walther ppk maurzen/umerax 125th anniversary 007 edition and loved it. How are customs with the guns from redwolf (I live in the UK) I don't want a beaut like that painted so it can be posted. I have been offered it by special airsoft supplies not relisising how bad he is I nearly ordered but after some reviews of the place I don't want to go near him (although I've read if you collect in person there's no problem. True??)

So basically I'm asking if I order of redwolf airsoft will it arrive in black without any problems. If not if I go with special airsoft supplies should I collect in person. Or does anyone know a trusted place to buy the gun in the UK thankyou

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If your importing the package needs to have details of your realistic gun defence on it. For airsofters this is their skirmish number with UKARA.


Collector doesn't cut any deals unfortunately, actor maybe if you use the re-enactment clause


"What must Re-enactment people and Airsoft players do to show the are bona fidi?

Both these groups must show that their activities are covered by third party liability insurance and that they are over 18, in the case of Airsoft Players they must also show that they are regular players at an accredited game site. Which means they must be a member of a game site with the appropriate Airsoft Insurance cover."




That link takes you to the UK VCRA law (violent crime reduction act) topic which is the one preventing people owning realistic imitation guns (RIF's), lots of info there. Also check out the UK law section of the fourm.


Sorry for the essay but Im unwilling to give a yes/no answer because I hold no weight whatsoever at UK customs if it gets blocked :P

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Have you contacted redwolf to ask if they will sell you a black gun?


If you look on their website's FAQ it shows that they will two-tone guns (for a price) or can supply to anyone with a UKARA registration - they say they check this before despatch.


As for Special Airsoft Supplies, I would be very surprised if they have this gun in stock as I can not find any UK dealer from a google search showing this for sale. Last time I looked at their site they were showing lots of pistols as being available when every other dealer in the UK had them as out of stock. Even if they had this in stock they would be braking the law by selling it to you if you do not have a valid defence (collector and actor are not enough).

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I really want to do skirmishing and have been trying to find somewhere to go but I live in Eastbourne can't find one close :-(

I always thought I'd be classed as a re inactor but cant find a simple way to prove it :-/

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I really want to do skirmishing and have been trying to find somewhere to go but I live in Eastbourne can't find one close :-(

I always thought I'd be classed as a re inactor but cant find a simple way to prove it :-/


Are you a member of a re-enactore society? I am not familiar with the law relating to them but would have thought membership would be required for a defence. Found a list here:-




Again, only my thought but would you have to be a member of a `modern' era group for your defence - don't see why a viking group would beed modern guns!


For a list a registered airsoft sites go to:- http://www.ukara.org.uk/approved-gamesites.php

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I strongly suggest against supporting a kant like that sas guy, rips people off and i'm still waiting for my mask and knife. Sly *insult goes here* uses sagepay for payments coz they can't take action on behalf of the consumer.

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Ring RedWolf UK up and ask them to get you one over :)

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