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Farmen - Night Plague Sweden 24-26 may 2013

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Name: Farmen – Night Plague

Price: 350 Swedish kroner

Players: About 400

Where: Sweden, Bräcke. It is possible to fly to Arlanda airport and then take the train from the airport directly to the area (4 hours by train).

The gamearea is about 7 kilometer from Bräcke.

Region: Se picture below*

When: 24-26 may 2013

Tickets: 25 nov 20:00 2012

Game Type: War, scenario, Milsim, Larp, end of the world, Zombies

Website: http://www.farmengames.com/games/farmen-night-plague

News about the new game: http://www.farmengames.com/news/info-infor-nya-spelet


Read all about the new game mechanics, story, and the like on the website. Barter resources with other participants (on the website before the game), new and changed teams and much more!


Participate in a very unique mix of airsoft and LARP!


We wish everyone, new and old players, welcome!



The new gamearea:





Movie from the last game (15 min):




Picture previous games:







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