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Big Dragon Tracer Silencer

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In the real world, Tracer ammunition (tracers) are bullets that are built with a small pyrotechnic charge in their base. Ignited by the burning powder, the pyrotechnic composition burns very brightly, making the projectile visible to the naked eye. This enables the shooter to follow the bullet trajectory in order to make aiming corrections.

When used, tracers are usually loaded as every fifth round in machine gun belts, referred to as four-to-one tracer. Platoon and squad leaders will sometimes load their magazines entirely with tracers to mark targets for their soldiers to fire on. Tracers are also sometimes placed two or three rounds from the bottom of magazines to alert the shooter that their weapon is almost empty.

Tracer rounds may also ignite flammable substances on contact from a nominal distance.






Obviously, some of the above does not apply to airsoft, but tracers are still useful (and fun). They can be used in night games, inside houses, low light time of day, etc. They actually are very visible, you don’t need full night to see them, surprisingly. While they look cooler the darker it is, they are useful much before needing flashlights in a game.


How does an airsoft tracer work? The tracer BBs are special BBs made of fluorescent material, much like some toys or your watch: they absorb light and then emit it for some time. You can test this with a flashlight, or even daylight.


The Big Dragon Tracer Unit is a mock silencer (-14 mm thread), made of metal, that you screw onto your barrel (it works with any type of gun: electric, gas o spring cocking).


Unscrew the tube from the attachment system to reveal the interior: in the front you will find a 4 AAA batteries (included) that power the unit. You also get 50 fluorescent BBs to try it out.


Hidden and protected by a clear plastic tube are the tracer unit’s working parts: at the entrance is a light barrier (like on chronos) that detects a BB coming through and sends a signal to the flash housed in the front, so that it emits a short but strong beam of light, as the BBs pass through. The special BBs (I use Madbull, but any will do) absorb the light and glow as they fly out to your target. To prevent accidentally wasting battery, there’s a switch at the bottom.


If you are shooting in a very dark enviroment, the light coming from the tracer’s flash will come outside and kinda look like the muzzle flash from a real firearm.

You can of course shoot in semi or auto.


It weighs less than 200 grams (7 ounces) and is 143 milimeters long, making it usable on both rifles and pistols.

Built quality is top notch: nothing even dares to move around, creak or else. There are bad reports about the Jing Gong’s version (QC and all that). But mine is holding up like a champ and performing beatifuly.


Price is OK: 36 $ + 6 $ for shipping, which is a steal.



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