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Another battery related question.

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I'm sure this question has been asked many times before but I'm struggling to find an answer tailored to my needs.


I'm going to be purchasing a G&G GR15 Raider L blowback in the few months and was wondering what 9.6v battery you guys would recommend? Links would be great as I'm fairly Google illiterate! lol.


1. Needs to fit the GR15 Crane stock.

2. A guideline on how long it'd last would be great. I'm prepared to use two batteries for a full games play if needed but any more than that.. Not so sure.


Also, I'm obviously not going to be charging any lipos here and couldn't care less about any flashy LED displays so can anyone recommend a decent charger that does its job without asking me to buy a disco with it? :P


Thanks in advance all,



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Nunchuck styles should fit fine, usually around 1500 mAh which lasts me a whole game and still has juice in. I would get 2 though, just incase you do have a problem with it arise.


Just did a quick search and got this. It's running at 2200mAh which should easily last you a whole day unless you're emptying highcaps every 2 minutes,,

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