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Everything posted by YoshiC88

  1. Either way it's a brilliant bit of kit feels good shoots like a dream and damn accurate!
  2. Thanks for the info guys Deffo gonna be my rifle of choice I think best get to the wanted section with myself Yosh
  3. Both of ya some very insightful and helpful information! will take for a test when i go on my first game knowing it most likely wont be allowed on but am curious of what it will come out and post what it clocks in at. when the time comes for a rifle ill be looking at an AEG so wont have to worry about saftey limits and also how cold it is.. =]
  4. i know but isn't all these small little details why people airsoft and not paintball? =] id drop Blowback but i do want as little plastic as possible (literally personal preference reasons) full metal has to be there! Flex, that RM4 is very very nice! im looking for something that will work the gap between CQB and outdoors combat (thats why the G&G looked so good long barrel but adjustable stock.. plus the 4 front rails means i could be as crazy as i like... pretty sure my tac-cam would mount to it =]=] id be jumping on it if it was a metal front to it! may end up having to save that bit extra when the times there and get a new TR15 :/ (thats a while off luckily so i have the time to work it out)
  5. that sounds like a brilliant idea im Trowbridge for those that know there UK geography of a bunch of sites near bristols only 30 miles away, warminsters 15mi, swindon 30mi so lots of choice to play!
  6. Luck to say, no bad news! =] was prepared to be told a big no-no when i take it in for a chrono, after the first few round (god i wouldnt wanna point them at some one and squeeze the trigger) (theres a youtube clip of a chrono of 970FPS if you get no leaks when changing tank. settles around the 340-370 on .25's but ill still be happy using this thing for marksmanship practise in the field, just spotted a few people saying .40's and adjusted hop works well (will they test on what weight id be firing or will they sling a few .20's down it as that would deffo be up to 400FPS again and a no-no? May be worth getting a chrono myself for self testing purposes on kit ill soon get my hands on... as sure all know each website that sells gives a different FPS on every weapon ever!
  7. Hey All! Im Yoshi! 25 From The Land of Hobbiton (Sorry i mean Wiltshire!) I'm a former Army Cadet (GO ANZIO COY!) where i found my passion for firearms (used sensibly and correctly of course!) when sadly turning 18 hit and was no longer allowed to go (and not going into the army (thats a whole other level! but massive respect to the troop that have it in them) I remember my avid love of Fieldcraft And Marksmanship and really want to be able to use said knowledge again... so airsoft seems to be a natural conclusion in any safe form. Have got already purchased a sidearm, a G&G Xtreme 45. M1911, The weapon is beautiful feels real in weight and dead accurate with .30g BB's. (used with targets in my big open field that a friend owns and gives me permission to use) and no problems at 100-150 foot. nice small groupings! any ways im soon to go play my first skirmish in an outdoor set! (cannot wait thinking about it gets the adrenaline pumping!) Any ways sure you'll be seeing me asking lots of questions and looking at rifles for sale, gonna get my games down and UKARA'ed and have loads of fun with what seems like an amazing community! (i remember paintballing being full of wanna be warriors!) Any ways See Ya In The Pit -Yoshi
  8. Hello All! Am wondering if any one has any thoughts on this Raider. Before any one asks i like my airsoft to feel as real as possible so am looking at the Full Metal Blowback AEG (way to cold most the time to find C02 effective other than side arms. Also if any one could hint at what kinda price i should be looking for Second hand for one of these babys, as ive seen them new for the £220-£250 Mark and if do see one in the for sale wanna find the best price =] Thanks all for your time Yoshi
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