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Everything posted by stannos

  1. Hi all, im new to the forum and i have some questons about painting IF bb guns, i only have the one and its a bolt action sniper, however its 2 - tone meaning its bright orange and if you are sitting still trying to snipe you are a ( flourescent orange ) sitting duck. you can see my issue so i wanted to know what colours am i legally allowed to spraypaint my sniper? and what about striping? EG a darkish green striped with blue ? and what about Tan ? is that legal ? [] - [] I DONT PLAN ON OR MEAN THAT I WANT TO - USE ANY BLACK OR GREY PAINT AS I KNOW THAT IM LEGALLY NOT ALLOWED TO DO THAT [] - [] AND IM STLL KEEPING THE ORANGE TIP AT THE END OF THE BARREL - Also i sent an email to UKARA with the same questionso all replies and their email response will be taken into account. Also im under 18 so i dont have any membership of any sort Many thanks, stan. Below are some pictures of the paints i plan to use if im allowed: the blue (left) is "Halfords engine blue Enamel spray paint" http://http://http://http://http://
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