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Everything posted by Tango123

  1. Thanks again, Might sound a silly question whats the difference between the A1m4 and m4? cheers
  2. Thanks for the replies. What are peoples opinions on these three? http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/marui-recoil-m4-sopmod-airsoft-gun-ebb-aeg http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/marui-recoil-m4a1-socom-airsoft-gun-ebb-aeg http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/marui-recoil-cqbr-black-version-airsoft-gun-ebb-aeg Thanks
  3. Hi there, I am currently looking to buy a GBB m4 or similar gun, I have been advised to look at the Aeg due to them causing less problems etc, I am just looking and there are alot more to choose from, especially the M4 model I want all metal, good quality with the option for plenty of upgrades im looking to buy from http://www.fire-support.co.uk/, can anyone recommend me some good brands to choose from their site? I like the option of blow back if that makes a difference? I see Marui do a range, Thanks.
  4. Thanks for the replies. to be honest the maintenance on the gas rifles does not bother me at all, as I quite enjoy that side of it, Are gas guns really that bad? I am really going to use it for plinking and if I decide to take up airsoft I will invest in a Aeg if needed, But if I ordered this would it defiantly be a mistake? cheers
  5. ah ok I will look thanks, Yeah sure, its to use mostly in the garden along with my other air rifles etc, And then once If i get into airsofting then, I will see how I get on with it, If I get it sprayed what parts will they spray and how easy would it be to reverse if I joined up? cheers
  6. Does anyone know where I can get the pts mega arms mkm online? Thanks
  7. I would love the pts mega arms mkm but unfortunately land warrior do not offer a paint service:(
  8. Thanks I have been looking but unsure which ones seem a good trusted supplier.
  9. Thanks:) I have no problem buying a two tone for now, cool I will take a look at the KWA any good online sites you recommend that stock them? thanks
  10. Hi thanks for the reply, I have had airsofts guns a few years ago, so know what they are like, and really have my heart set on a gar blow back rifle, Not to sure what you mean??as for ukara, you will need a VALID DEFENCE for buying a rif from a retailer.. but does not exempt you from attaining a rif from a private seller. cheers
  11. Hi there, I am after some advice, I am after a Gas blow back M4, with an open bolt, I do not play airsoft as of yet, but this is just for use at home in the garden for now,So I understand I need painted another colour at least 51% of the gun, I wondered what the best make would be? Budget around £400-£500 , I am wanting one that I can upgrade over time, And I am after a good site to buy from, Also when I get it painted what is the best colour to go for? And is this an easy process to reverse if I ever get into airsoft? Any advice would be great thanks,
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